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AB Legacy Law/Estate Planning

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What is Estate Planning and How Can it Affect You?

It’s Planning for Incapacity.

  • What happens when a person becomes disabled?
  • Who has the legal authority to manage their finances?
  • Who has the legal authority to make medical decisions?
  • How does the family get private medical information (HIPAA…Grrrrr)?
  • What type of end-of-life medical care is available?
  • What care is withheld?

It’s Planning for Long-Term Care

  • If you need long-term care, who is actually going to provide you with that care?
    • A family member?
    • Some type of long-term care facility?
    • In-home care?
  • How will you pay for long-term care?

It’s Planning for Death

  • Where do you want your assets to go when you die?
  • How will those assets get there?
  • Do you want to exclude certain family members from receiving your assets?
  • What happens if one of your beneficiaries dies before you?
  • When do your beneficiaries receive your assets?
  • Are there restrictions in place?
  • How do you avoid intra-family fighting?
  • How do you minimize taxes?
  • What values do you pass on to your family?
  • How do you minimize court involvement?
  • How do you avoid burdening your loved ones?
  • And about a million other issues…

It’s Dealing with Problems After Death if Planning is Inadequate

  • How does your family actually become the legal owner of your assets when you are gone?
    • House
    • Bank Accounts
    • Investments
    • Cars
    • Personal Property

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