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AB Legacy Law/Wills & Trusts

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Wills & Trusts Program Benefits

Wills and Trusts leave a legacy. We take care you of in a lifetime relationship. With a phone call, get questions answered. Set up meetings to review your Will & Trust details. Review and revise when it is needed. We Want You Empowered by Your Estate Plan.

We help you dot the i’s and cross the t’s. After all not all estate plans Are created equally.  Cheap or online solutions may not protect you. You need a plan designed specifically for your family. Most estate plans lack one necessary ingredient…funding.



Trusts can save the day. A Trust will nearly always make the process go smoothly. It should always have a backup trustee to manage, sell, or transfer property to your beneficiaries.

What are Trusts and how do they work? it is like a box as it only protects assets that are in the box. There are three roles involved. The Trustor is the creator and owner. The Trustee is the manager. The Beneficiary is the spender.

What kind of Trusts should you consider? There are three: Revocable, Irrevocable, and Medicaid Asset Protection.

Trusts help smooth things out. The client(s) chooses a Successor Trustee to step in if they cannot manage their affairs or pass away. the Successor Trustee can sell or transfer assets, even if the client is incapacitated. They can sell or transfer assets, even if the client has passed away. What is important is that a Trust takes away the need for the court system to get involved. There is no need for probate which saves families huge amounts of money.


What is Estate Planning and How Can it Affect You?

It’s Planning for Incapacity. We help you address important questions:

  • What happens when a person becomes disabled?
  • Who has legal authority to manage their finances?
  • Who has legal authority to make medical decisions?
  • How does the family get private medical information?
  • What type of end-of-life medical care is available?
  • What care is withheld?


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